About MecArmy

MecArmy offers innovative and dependable products for EDC, outdoor sports, and gear for carry everyday. The team comes from China, the company name ALTUN is taken from ALTUN Mountain in western China. In today's industrial civilization and prevalent consumerism, such a pure land is both the Outer Heaven the human is yearning for and the trial ground full of survival challenge.

MecArmy team partner is a group of energetic tactical geeks who are the Hardcore player. Loving outdoor activities and the skilled craftsman art. They enthusiastically participate in the EDC and are also dedicated to the high-quality outdoor activities. The team is constantly committed to combining the mysterious oriental culture and EDC. MecArmy team explores the new product research and development with the ideas of extremists, and refines the product manufacturing with the vision of engineers, thus forming a distinctive product line with outstanding public praise.

MecArmy's excellent original products are widely praised by users, and its clients include fans in China, the United States, and Europe as well as the EDC enthusiasts. Meanwhile, ALTUN is also the contracted supplier of the Chinese army and military/ police equipment of Special Forces as well as the OEM manufacturer.

Come on, join us, we play, we create.